How does Pharm.D differ from B.Pharm & M.Pharm courses?

Pharm.D course differs from regular pharmacy courses such as B. Pharm and M. Pharm. The main difference being that Pharm.D is clinically oriented, i.e., patient specific. Students are trained to counsel patients and inform them about the medicine/ drug dose, time and method. The course focuses on the mechanism of a drug's actions/ side effects/ adverse drug reactions on the body, main causes for the appearance of the disease, and its possible complications that can occur if left untreated. Pharm.D also focuses on the lifestyle changes that a patient can implement to improve health. Pharm.D students generally get the "clinical pharmacist" designation.
On the other hand, B. Pharm and M. Pharm courses are industry oriented. You get to learn about drug formulation, study various drug sources, their molecular structure, methods to synthesize/ manufacture drugs, pharmacological actions of the drugs, and so on.

Pharm.D. (Post Baccalaureate)

The duration of the Pharm.D. (Post Baccalaureate) (Doctor of Pharmacy) is 3 years (2 years of classroom studies+1 year of internship.) In order to pursue this course, you need to be a B.Pharm from any PCI-approved institute. This would be equivalent to a B.Pharm graduate getting a lateral entry into the 4th year of a Pharm.D program.


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